Encryption Security
The only thing better than BlackEye Encryption's password security, is its' text security. Using a plethora of encryption techniques, all with proprietary algorithms and functions, it encrypts text in a way the world has never seen before. After extrapolating nearly 900 keys from the encryption signature, they are then used in a rigorous encryption algorithm, involving MAE(Multiple Alphabet Encryption) which is a proprietary form of polyalphabetic encryption. MAE uses up to 86 different alphabets to encrypt just one message, pairing with the proprietary text hashing function. RCI(Random Character Insertion) is another function that is unique to BlackEye Encryption, the RCI fucntion adds random characters into your encrypted text, to further prevent any standard encryption cracking methods from working. Paired with the MAE algorithm, which is already extraordinarily resistent to encrytpion testing, you are given and supremely secure text encryption. After all of this is comleted the BCF(Binary Conversion Function) is used, we won't reveal much more here because we don't want the secrets of BlackEye Encryption getting out, however the BCF then converts all of the encrypted text into a very special brand of Binary code prior to its encryption into an image.